Contact us

Company details :

Registration Nr. : 40003017954
VAT Reg. Nr. : LV40003017954
Legal address  Maskavas iela 444b, Rīga, LV- 1063

Bank details :
A/S “DNB banka”
S.W.I.F.T. code : RIKOLV2X
Account Nr. : LV07RIKO0002013265534

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Galvenā veikala adrese:
Maskavas iela 444b, LV-1063
E-pasts: sb@sbshop.lv

  • Why to choose us ?  

    "SB" Ltd from more than 28 years has proven itself to be  a competitive and successful partner in the sphere of heating systems in Latvia and Europe as well. 

  • ABOUT US  

    "SB" Ltd. is a stable company with 100%  Latvian capital and 26 years of experience in the field of heating and plumbing trade and installation.  
